Grab Some Rocks
I’m sure everyone noticed over the intense lockdown period shelves were bare in your local grocery location. Obviously, supply could not meet the extreme demand at that point in time. But what it did do is give the smaller/lesser known businesses a look into the space. I found myself looking for the normal but having to comprise and grab an unknown brand. The glass half full thought on this is that these seemingly smaller business got a look in and that’s the exciting part. Like an athlete who seized an opportunity many of these businesses took their shot and from surface level…won. It’s not just groceries but many facets of consumerism whether it’s a new grocery, alcohol, delivery or fitness apps. This is not to say the natural order will not be reset once things get back on track. Because these trusted brands we love are largely now but sometimes all you need as a smaller/lesser known business or start up is one chance. While under extremely rare and difficult circumstances many of these businesses/apps etc took the opportunity out of adversity. While (in some cases) we all know this is more like a David and Goliath scenario, but we have to respect a few of these “smaller/lesser known” businesses might have just grabbed some rocks.